I began my cannabis journey as a result of a CrossFit injury. I’ve always loved being active and joining a CrossFit gym was no different. After about a year of competing I injured my back and was given pain killers for the pain however, the side effects from the meds were worse than the injury itself. After talking with my doctor, they recommended a “non-pharmaceutical” option to address the pain and helped me get my first medical card. It wasn’t my first time smoking weed, in fact I have several friends who were heavy cannabis users so I was familiar. However, for me smoking was an occasional thing and usually with friends. All this changed after my back injury. Not only did my pain go away and I began to heal but, before long I went from smoking to help manage the pain to smoking to help my anxiety and stimulate my appetite. My favorite way to consume cannabis is by smoking flower. I love how fast it hits and that I can control how high I get. I like edibles to help me sleep as well. My desired effect depends on the time of day. During the day I’m smoking weed to focus on work in a more medicinal way, while at night it completely recreational to relax and sometimes hang out with friends. My favorite activities to do high are watching movies and hanging out with friends. Sometimes I’ll do an art project or work on a puzzle. When the weather is nice, I also enjoy a nice smoke and walk through the park, then laying out in the sun. My terpene profile is Myrcene, Beta-caryophyllene, and Limonene because I love the stoney, giggly weed that will eventually put me to sleep as well. I love indicas but will occasionally enjoy a hybrid. If I had to give a new cannabis user advice, it would be to take your time exploring different cannabis consumption methods and pay attention to how they make you feel. There are a lot of ways to use cannabis and there may be more than one option for you so definitely don’t be afraid to try new things. Lastly, have fun! Cannabis is not only medicinal, but it can be really fun recreationally as well. Have fun and be safe!